It’s that time of year again….. Christmas Dinner and Party season. Do you want to look your best? Then you can with the help of rejuvenation treatments at Hemel Cosmetic Clinic 01442 248885.
We are highly skilled in giving you the look you want. Subtle and sophisticated treatments using:
Botox to smooth forehead, frown and crow’s feet lines: 1 Area £99, 2 Areas £190, 3 Areas £250
Dermal Fillers for subtle but fuller lips, smokers lines, drooping mouth corners, cheek lines: £250 per 1 ml syringe
Veinwave technology and Schlerotherapy for facial and leg thread and spider veins: £199 per session
Chemical Skin Peels and Dermaroller for skin rejuvenation, acne, traumatic and post surgical scar removal: £199 per session.