[gmap address=”Hemel Cosmetic Clinic 81 Marlowes Hemel Hempstead HP1 1LF” latitude=”” longitude=”” zoom=”14″ marker=”true” html=”” popup=”true” controls=”” scrollwheel=”true” maptype=”ROADMAP” hue=”” width=”0″ height=”400″]
Hemel Cosmetic Clinic offers wrinkle and line relaxing treatment that has been used to treat millions of patients worldwide for over 20 years and is still the world’s most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatment. Small injections of a purified protein induce long term (normally 3-6 months) but not permanent relaxation of muscles, to prevent wrinkles and lines appearing. Due to their remarkable results, proven safety, with very few risks and no recovery time they have caused a revolution in the cosmetic industry.
Hemel Cosmetic Clinic wrinkle and line treatment is commonly used to treat areas in the upper face and some areas in the lower face, these treatments can combat deep wrinkles and fine lines. During your initial consultation a full medical history will be taken to assess your suitability, and the benefits and potential side effects will be discussed in full.